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Tyler Van Hoorn

  • Communication / General English, Primary English Teaching, Secondary School/Students, High School/Students, Mathematics English, Science English, Art/ Darma English
  • Outside Viet Nam
  • Negotiable
  • Member Since 09/25/2020

Candidates About

Available upon request


December 2018 TESOL Certification

Australian-Vietnam School of English150-study program including instruction, written work, practical teachingexperience and classroom observation. Program certified through theAustralian International College of Language, operating out of Ho ChiMinh City, with schools in Hanoi and Phnom Penh as well.

2012 – 2016 Bachelor of Arts in English; Economics minor

Western Michigan UniversityCoursework of leading and participating in small-group discussionscritiquing and collaborating on creative pieces and engaging frequentlywith professors and instructors outside the classroom; studied in-depthmicro- and macroeconomic systems and theory.

Work & Experience

June 2019 – March 2020 Adult ESL Teacher

LikeshouDeveloping the English-language abilities of Chinese ESL learnersthrough an interactive online platform, leading dynamic and complexdiscussions on a wide variety to stimulate critical thinking abilities andpush the limits of students’ English-language abilities. Extremelypersonalized nature of the classroom demands individual approachto each class dependent on teacher’s ability to improvise and usebackground research and knowledge to facilitate discussions.

February 2018 – present Secondary education teacherArchimedes AcademyResponsible for the implementation of Archimedes-approved curriculum,working in classroom environments of over 30 students, implementing awide range of resources. Topics include grammar points as well asclassroom discussion about various topics in order to developconversational English abilities and critical thinking skills.