Joel Erik Nils Ahlgren Image

Joel Erik Nils Ahlgren

  • Communication / General English, Primary English Teaching, Secondary School/Students, High School/Students, Mathematics English, Science English, Art/ Darma English
  • Outside Viet Nam
  • Negotiable
  • Member Since 09/17/2020

Candidates About

To whom it may concern.I am applying for your teaching position you have been advertising.I am an eager and energetic person, TEFL certified, and looking for new opportunities.I love new challenges that test myself, and my skill set. I am always willing to give a 100%, and if there issomething I don't know I am more the willing to learn.If you consider me for this opportunity you will get a hard worker, that will ; the extra mile for his students andcolleges to build the best possible environment for learning and growing.I have experiences from all over the world that I can bring to the table. A different cultural perspective that notmany people in this industry can offer.I do believe that what I can bring will be something unique that only I can provide.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further.

Joel Erik Nils Ahlgren

TEFL certifiedCPR certifiedPrograming in C#, C++, and JavaChef, I can cook most anything. If Idon't know how by heart I can makeit from a book no problemSailing, have been doing manydifferent things around boats andships my whole life.


Östersjö Skolan2003 - 20063 years chef schoolUppsala university2016 - 2019Games design

Work & Experience

Swedish Navy (military)2006 - 2007Chef and medic10 months mandatory service, after that I signed up for an 8 monthtour.Was stationed of the coast of Somalia, as part of a peace keepingforce meant to deture piratesStena Line2007 - 2016Chef and medicWorked on car; ships as the chef and the ships medic.Have sailed around the world a few times.Swedish ;verment2007 - 2017TeacherFor a few weeks every year, during summers I was working as aneducator in summer camps for the Swedish ;verment.Teaching manythings, like English, cooking, survival skills, and manyother things7 Fridays Westlake Hostel2018 - 2020Event managerI was working as a guest host and event manager for a hostel in TayHo.Planing and executing events.Making sure the guest were having a ;od and fun stay at the hostel.

Cover jobs2019 -TeachingI have been doing cover jobs as a teacher every now and then, while Ihave been managing a hostel.I have covered both privet and official class like at a MontessoriSchool