Aya Samantha Lozano Image

Aya Samantha Lozano

  • Primary English Teaching, Secondary School/Students, High School/Students, Mathematics English
  • Outside Viet Nam
  • Negotiable
  • Member Since 12/06/2014

Candidates About

Microsoft and Megastat Literate


I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics at Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology way back 2014. I am currently writing my Thesis paper as part of the final requirements for the completion of my Masters Degree in Mathematics in the same institution.

Work & Experience

I've been teaching for almost 6 school year. I started teaching Grade 7 and 8 students at La Salle Academy for two years. From 2017 up to present, I am a Mathematics Senior high school teacher at Iligan Computer Institute.